Personal Training

Angie’s 15 years coaching experience, her highly skilled intuitive nature and knowledge enables her to prepare a tailored plan for you.

Being coached in a gym-based environment gives you the opportunity to lift heavy, taking your fitness goals to the next level.

Whether it be for fat loss, aesthetic considerations or sports specific, it provides good foundations for the use of proper technique. The Coaching will improve your awareness of your mind-muscle connection and movement patterns, whilst building that bond trust and confidence with The Strength Queen.

Angie’s 15 years coaching experience, her highly skilled intuitive nature and knowledge enables her to prepare a tailored plan for you. During each session, the plans are underpinned from the assessments taken which are targeted to reach your goals and deliver results.

What’s Included

One - 2 - One Coaching

Body Analysis

Initial Assessment

Fitness Test

Goal Setting

Before & After Photography